Current, controversial and not afraid to speak her mind, Debbie Unterman will keep you engaged, enlightened and entertained as she delves into cutting edge topics, and challenges widely held beliefs. Topics may range from Astrology and Brain Science to Psychology and World events. And she wants to hear from you! “Love the Voices” is meant to be a safe place to talk to each other. Call 1-866-451-1451 to express an opinion or “Ask Debbie” a burning question that she’ll do her best to answer on air.
Debbie Unterman has been on the cutting edge in the field of Functional Medicine for forty years as a Master Alchemist and Alchemical Hypnotherapy Trainer. With a degree in Interpersonal Communications and Theater from SUNY Brockport, she has been a radio personality, author, speaker, healer and teacher since graduating in 1975. A believer in the power of play, she created two transformational board games over twenty years ago including her own Game of Clarity and one she invented for Colin Tipping called Satori: The Radical Forgiveness Game. She holds monthly Games of Clarity on every New Moon in the Atlanta area throughout the year and is beginning to hold “Clarity Weekend” Playshops. Debbie specializes in helping clear childhood trauma and codependency to smooth the way for loving relationships with yourself and others. She works with individuals and couples utilizing her unique tools that are based on the latest findings in neuroscience. You can get to know more about Debbie’s work and philosophy through her self-help book, Talking to My Selves: Learning to Love the Voices in Your Head. Call 770-434-7488 for more information or email Debbie@LovetheVoices.com.