Drive by with Michelle is another extension of Consulting for Heightened Awareness where we dive into more spiritual truths for healing and spiritual growth post-narcissistic abuse. Answering the many why’s for narcissistic behaviors and covering many how-to’s for dealing with toxic people with God’s wisdom.
Michelle Dickey is a consultant, coach, trauma specialist, author, and spiritual chef. She is the founder of Consulting for Heightened Awareness at cdhrwdrmd.org, a non-denominational spiritual ministry that specializes in narcissistic abuse and trauma recovery with God’s wisdom. She is helping survivors overcome the trauma associated with the abuse. She helps survivors break the trauma bond to the abuser and the world.
Breaking the trauma bond to the world is her brand, inspired by Jesus to help survivors overcome and break unhealthy attachments to people and things. Her ministry teaches God’s spiritual truths for healing and spiritual growth, bringing people closer to God. She pushes back against the status quo with awareness about the world stage and the lies everyone is exposed to daily.