4pm | Gay Guru® Live

On Gay Guru® Live we’ll be focusing on everything queer and spiritual. Whether you’re looking to come to terms with the faith you were born into, or to discover something new, Brian and his guests will light the way with insight and humor. 

As queer people many of us have been rejected, even traumatized by religion. But, there are ways forward that will allow you to discover the path that’s right for you. We’ll explore spiritual traditions and healing arts from around the world to help you on that journey.  Join us and discover the essence of your queer spirit. 

Brian has been a full-time life coach, and mentor, since 2007. He’s helped clients: find new careers or enrich the ones they’re in; discover new love or renew a fading relationship; deal with the stresses of day to day living, and of course deepen into the spiritual dimension of life.

Brian Madigan has spent his life exploring spirituality, personal development, stress management and about anything else that helps make life better for people. Eventually he started sharing what he’d learned with other people. Holding seminars, teaching mediation, doing energy healing, and transforming people’s lives with his coaching.

Because he’s gay, he gets it. Your path forward won’t always be easy. You’ll find out some things that you aren’t comfortable with, but you’ll discover some things you never knew you had in you. It’s time for Brian to help you learn, grow, and become the person you’ve dreamed of being.

You can book your free consultation with Brian here:

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